Saturday, March 18, 2006

"Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breated life-giving breath into this nostrils and then man began to live...
Then the Lord God made the man fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, he took out one of the man's ribs and closed up the flesh. He formed a woman out of hte the rib and brought her to him."
We were created in the begining for two reasons; to care for and to protect. However, we got ahead of ourselves and learnt that there was more than those two reasons. We began to want, to feel. We began to become real.
Eventually even our creation backfired upon us. We should never have been created. Like all good plans there was a hole, and this whole was big enough to cause damage. We were thrown out of our homes, we were expelled from the place we called paradise.
And now?
Maybe now the reason why we were created has meaning. We were created to care for and to protect, and when we were sent away from the very life that we were protecting then only bad things can happen, and happen they are...
I can't remember how or when it started. No one can. It was far too long ago now... Not even history tells of the happenings... It is mentioned, but many believe it to be untrue. Little do we know that it all mattered, it all meant something and was not just a story that we passed on from generation to generation. It was not just a story. It was legend. 

I was raised in a family where rules were followed, where the government was obeyed. I